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Such stories can be called fables, myths, legends, or folklore.

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Q: What is a story handed down from earlier times?
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What is meant by legend?

A legend is a traditional story or narrative that is passed down through generations and often involves mythical or historical events or figures. Legends typically have a basis in reality but may include exaggerated or supernatural elements.

What is something handed down from the past?

a story that is handed down from the past is called a legend

What is the definition of the word legendary?

According to the dictionary:"Of, relating to, or characteristic of legend or a legend, or well-known, famous."As well, a legend is defined as:"An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical; a body or collection of such stories; a romanticized or popularized myth of modern times".

Does legacy mean the same thing as legend?

Legacy is anything tangible handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor: to inherit; the legacy of ancient Rome.Legend is an unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical or a body or collection of such stories. Today a legend can also be a person whose fame or notoriety makes him a source of exaggerated or romanticized tales or exploits.

What is the definition fairy tale?

A fairy tale can be defined as a fanciful story with a fantasy element that is not intended to be taken literally, especially if it is a story that has been handed down from an earlier period of history. Fairy tales may involve fairies, but that is not obligatory.

Why do you call legends legends?

A legend is an unverified popular story handed down from earlier times. The word comes from the mediaeval French legende, an account of a saint's life, and ultimately from the Latin legenda, meaning " things that ought to be read." When we call a person " a legend" it means that the person is the subject of popular comment, much of which is untrue or unverifiable.

What is an anonymous story handed down by word of mouth within a certain culture or group of people?


What is the exact definition of legend and myth?

A legend is a traditional story about the past that may or may not be based on real events or people, and often includes exaggerated or fantastical elements. A myth is a traditional story that explains the origins of the world, natural phenomena, or cultural customs, typically involving gods or supernatural beings.

What is the difference between myths and ledgends?

Here is the difference between Myths and Legends: (The following inforrmation is from the related link below.) Myths: A traditional or legendary story, usually concerning some being or hero or event, with or without a determinable basis of fact or a natural explanation, esp. one that is concerned with deities or demigods and explains some practice, rite, or phenomenon of nature. Legends: a nonhistorical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical.

What is an example of an traditional?

A tradition is something like a a handed down from generation to generation story, legend or custom or an inherited way of thinking or acting.

A story that is handed down from the past is called a?

Legend. It started in the middle ages invented them and we still have some of there stories. today

Can diabetes be handed down from your parents?
