

Best Answer

Start items

Health Potion x5

Hunter's Machete

Core items

Sunfire Cape

Boots of Mobility

Spirit of the Ancient Golem

Endgame items

Warmog's Armor

Liandry's Torment

Abyssal Scepter

Build 2 :

Start items

Health Potion x5

Hunter's Machete

Core items

Sunfire Cape

Boots of Mobility

Spirit of the Ancient Golem

Endgame items

Warmog's Armor

Liandry's Torment

Abyssal Scepter

Build 2

Start items

Health Potion

Sight Ward

Crystalline Flask

Core items

Sunfire Cape


Sorcerer's Shoes

Boots of Swiftness

Ninja Tabi

Mercury's Treads

Endgame items

Liandry's Torment

Warmog's Armor

Rylai's Crystal Scepter

Abyssal Scepter

Against heavy Ad

Randuin's Omen


Okay, so, you're the tank. Your role in teamfights is to soak damage, peel, and lock down enemies. They should be both unable to escape and unable to touch your teammates. You're a gorgeous, beefy CC machine. These aspirations are far from out of your grasp.

Sejuani probably has one of the best initiates in the game: Glacial Prison + Arctic Assault. So, if you're going to play her, get good at timing engagements. She has an ult that is perfect for forcing fights. Keep this in mind. You can successfully obliterate the enemy team at points like dragon or Baron. She also excels in that part of the game where both teams are dancing around mid, poking at each other, unsure of when to actually go in. As soon as the enemy team groups up at lower health/mana than your team, or if they run out of position, go on them. Toss your ult, smash Permafrost when the stun ends, and then charge in with Arctic Assault and hit up Flail of the Northern Winds (double-tap). Be disruptive, blow all your CC and AoE, keep the enemy off of your team, and disallow any survivors.

So keep in mind:

Peel - keep the enemies off of your carry (and team in general)

Soak damage

AoE is your best friend - constantly keep Flail of the Northern Winds up (and double-tap if you want immediate AoE rather than auto-attacking)

Your ult has great initiation value; use this to your advantage

Take away the enemies' ability to escape or even move at all with Permafrost

Chase down enemies with Arctic Assault if need be

Be as disruptive as possible - you have a knockback, a stun, and incredible slows for a reason

Auto-attack to keep Frost on enemies!

Leave no survivors

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