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You make a bear at a store and you get a key code and id.

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15y ago

I have no clue but if u have and un used 1 send it tome at

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13y ago

It is a code that you get on your build-a-bear certificate so you can play with you build a-bear online.

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Q: What is a animal id and key code for Build-a-Bearville?
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Has anyone got a buildabearville animal ID and Key code i could have please?

im sorry but you can only put in an animal id and key code only if you have a buildabear

Buildabear animal id and keycode?

you need to buy a bear and on the bottom their it will say animal id : ,then it i wll say key code : then you will put the code in and your bear will be announced to buildabearville

Whear do you type in cheat codes too get 1000 bear bills on buildabearville?

animal id 04984764328478 key code zallypolkigr

Free animal ID and key code?

the key code and id code is 54367890124 is the id and 560123 is the key

Please Give me an unused buildabearville animal ID and key code?

=No one is going to give you a Animal ID and a Key Code. I have a bear at BABV. Trust me, Buy your own bear. Save money. Just buy a bear and you don't have to buy clothes for it but I do. The lowest pirce bear is $10 only! So asked your parents to drive you there or buy you one! Don't waste your time searching for Animal ID's and Key Code!!=

Can you give me an unused animal ID and key code for Build a Bear ville?

animal id-hugsbunny16324232 key code-8173825652564654164

Does anyone have an animal id and animal code for build-a-bearville?

no such thing as animal id or key code. it only used once a time!

Is there any build-a-bear animal id and key code?

bliud a bear mnimal id code

Does sobody have an unused id and keycode at buil-a-bear that WORKS?

I do my mum bought it for me but i hate buildabearville so here ID number:0137568559768 Key code:111369 THIS KEY CODE IS DEFIANTLY NOT FAKE! first person who uses it is the lucky one! good luck!

Free animal id and key code for build a bear?

the answer for it is 3445327866709 the key is 445786

Any codes for a furry friend on buildabearville used once?

id number 0143820046754 key code 173112 i used it and it works so hope it helps!

Does anyone have a Build-a-bear animal ID key code that's un-used?

ID: 0126601495310 Key Code: 120252 Is this a real code cause alot of people LIE! Sorry this ID and code has already been used.