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*I think you mean: "What is the walkthrough for Reality TV Island?" :-)

There are 2 parts to this. I will go through them.

Part 1: On the Island, to the Show

1.Go to Mike's Market and talk to the guy reading something. He will drop what he is reading. Pick it up.

2.Open what he was reading and tear out the Reality TV Island application.

3.Head to TV World to get the address for the application, which is 123 Star Avenue, Hollywood.

4.Go to the Wayside Motel Office and use a cheap pen there to fill out the application.

5.Call the Pizza guy at the office.(555-7383) Then, meet the pizza guy (who is a girl)

and deliver the pizza for her to room 4B.

6. Inside, meet Bucky Lucas. Choose the 3rd choice, so he will give you a stamp. Put it on the application.

7. Place the application in the mailbox on the street. The next day, (which is in a few seconds) enter the Reality TV Island Helicopter.

Part 2: The Challenges

Balanced Diet

Boulder Push

Coconut Grab

Geyser Guess

Mountain Race

On the Line

Pole Climb

Shot Put


Turtle Shell Toss

Totem Hop

Water Run

Hang Gliding

These can be in any order, and all of them will not be played in one session.

If you get voted off (which is like on day 5 or 6), you can return "the next season"(which is the next day.)

"Cheating" to Win

If you are about to lose in a challenge (especially with the Geyser Guess, and especially on days 5,6, or 7), close your browser or tab, and then reload it. You should earn a different challenge. It will help you complete the island quicker. Some might call it "cheating," but I call it a reset.

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Q: What is The Walk throo on Relitv island?
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