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Q: What is Pokemon 126 in poke park wii pikachu's adventure?
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i got some passwords groudon49446209 darkrai65967413 and celebi58068773

How can you use iron tail in Poke-park wii pikachus adventure Pokemon?

u lurn it from primape in tha meeting plase.

Where do you find Pidgeotto on poke-park wii pikachus adventure for wii?

Well you get it at the beach zone

Is there a poke park 2 on wii?

Yes, it will come out 2012 july. The games is called Pokemon poke park 2 the adventure continues!

Is there a poke park in Pokemon White?


Where do you see your Pokemon that you received in the poke park?

You can not.

What is the fastest Pokemon in poke park wii that isn't you?


Where are all the Pokemon on Poke Park wii?

Basically... Everywhere!

How do you find deoxsis in poke park pickachu's adventure?

get all the bonuses on raquzas ballon panic.

What do you do when your friends with all the Pokemon in poke park?

Get some real friends....

Were do you get rare candies on Pokemon diamond?

You find Rare Candy's in Poke Balls through your adventure.

How do you get Suicune in poke park?

i think you need to beat the bonus with all the Pokemon