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Q: What is Lag Time flood hydrographs?
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How are hydrographs useful to hydrologists?

Hydrographs are useful to hydrologists because they provide a visual representation of how streamflow changes over time in a specific watershed. This helps in understanding the relationship between precipitation events and resulting impacts on river flow. Hydrographs can also be used to analyze flood events, study water availability, and make water resource management decisions.

What are the factors that affect storm hydrographs?

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Flash flood - A flash flood is a sudden inundation of water in low-lying areas, usually brought on by heavy rain or a dam break

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Inside lag is the time to implement (pass) a policy, while outside lag is the time it needs to take effect.

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How is lag time affected by distance?

The impact of an event happening at a distance takes some time to reach the observer. This is the lag time and, as the distance increases, the lag time increases. The increase depends on the velocity of transmission of the information. For example, the lag time for a flash of lightning depends on the speed of light; the lag time for the clap of thunder depends on the speed of sound; the lag time for the person that the lightning bolt missed depends on how fast they can run to you.

What is lag in statistic?

An event occuring at time t+k is said to lag behind event occurring at time t. Extent of lag is k.

What does time lag mean?

Time during which some action is awaitedSynonyms:delay; postponement; time lag; wait; holdmohamed ihab abdel hamid

Does john kim lag?

yes he does lag! like a child riding a pushbike in the spring time

Why is the lag time difference important?

The lag time difference is important because it can impact communication and decision-making in real-time systems. A shorter lag time allows for quicker responses and more efficient operations, while a longer lag time can introduce delays and reduce the effectiveness of the system. Minimizing the lag time difference can help improve system performance and overall user experience.

Differences hydrograph in rural and urban?

Rural hydrographs have a much longer lag time as the water that is needed to get to fill the river to its 'peak discharge' needs to go through the dense soil through the process of ground water flow and ground flow, to get into the river. This means that the rising limb of this hydrograph will be much longer than that of an urban area as it takes a longer time for the river to fill to its full capacity. The falling limbs will stay roughly the same. In contrast, the urban hydrographs will have a much quicker lag time as the water that is needed to fill the river up to its 'peak discharge' can access it much quicker and easier as more surface run-off occurs from the urban areas being built out of impermeable cement or concrete buildings and roads. Also, as the water is sitting on the impermeable surfaces, more evaporation will occur and in turn this will cause more precipitation to happen, making the process in an urban area even faster than that of a rural one.