The left side of the Black Label case will be black while the Greatest Hits one will have green. The Black Label disks are white on the top with a light blue designs. The Greatest Hits are silver disks.
The Black Label playstation games are the original versions of a game. Game play is no different from Greatest Hits labels, but the Black Labels are worth more, simply because they're original. Heres a link on how to tell the difference:
Read more: What_is_the_difference_in_the_Black_label_final_fantasy_VII_versus_the_greatest_hits_version
That is not entirely correct. The game play should be exactly the same for both. The reason that the original is worth more is not because it is the original, it is because the original has a misprint on the back cover. I don't have my copy with me nor do I remember which word is incorrect but one letter in a word is superimposed on another and is misaligned. Last I checked an unopened, still plastic wrapped, copy of the game goes for something like $300.
The word that is misprinted is "Masterpiece" The "i" is out of place.
It is a copy of Final Fantasy VII
Greatest hits means it became Really popular so they're redistributing the game.
eBay if you have to have black labels and square if it doesnt matter of there greatest hits
Definetely above all FF 10-2 hits the jackpot on worst final fantasy.
Final Fantasy 7 for ps1 is a 3-disc game. At a certain point in the game it will prompt you to insert disc 2 and later disc 3. Make sure to get Knights of the Round before fighting the final character.
No, they are exactly the same. A Greatest Hits label does nothing and has nothing different than the regular labels except that they are green. It is like showing off that games award. Signed, Phoenix
It affects your accuracy, evasion, and number of hits.
A greatest hits version was just released
Yes, It has been known to not glitch out when using a greatest hits copy of the game
Yes. The greatest hits version game save file will work with the standard edition of Grand Theft Auto San Andrea.
Do you mean a different copy of the same game or a greatest hits version or game of the year edition because the information on your games progress in in your PS3 and on the PSN for Trophies. Yeah a GOTY edition or greatest hits.
First off, ALL PS1 discs are black, and second, yes, you can, its all the same game, just a slightly different cover.
nuthin, but if you hit it empty handed, theres a lot of gil and the whale whisker
in the greatest hits version u get a bonus DVD on how infinity ward makes call of duty and there are 2 mission walkthroughs