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"Find All Five" is when you unlock one weapon for each class.

Assault: You have played more than 1 Battlefield game

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Recon: Pre-order Bad Company

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Q: What is Battlefield bad company Find all five?
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How do you get battlefield bad company 3 as a demo?

The Battlefield 3 beta is not out at the minute but is coming soon.There is no Battlefield Bad Company 3 at all. Although, for Battlefield 3, there was a beta, but as of now, there is no demo.

Do you get map packs free with battlefield premium?

With battlefield premium you will get all five themed expansion packs for free, you will also get the expansion pack two weeks earlier than those that do not have battlefield Premium.

Does Battlefield Bad Company have local multiplayer?

No it does not. All of its multiplayer capibilities are online only.

Im thinking about getting either bad company 1 or 2 the problem is that bad company 2 is more expensive and I cannot afford it at all so should I get bad company 1?

Battlefield Bab Company 2 is newer and rated a little better at Gamestop and the price there just dropped to $35.00 for preowned. Walmart is $40 for new. Just look around and maybe you'll find one cheaper. Don't pay over $15 for a used Battlefield: Bad Company

What is the best sniper in battlefield bad company 2?

personally the Gol Sniper Magnum owns all X D

How do you get the revolver in Battlefield Bad Company 2 for iPhone?

Unlock all of the weapon achievements is my guess like get all of the certain amount of kills for each weapon

How do you turn of all the swears in battlefield bad company 2?

You can turn off the Language in Multiplayer by scrolling the Dialouge button in options all the way down to 0.

Does battlefield 4 have hardcore free for all?

Yes, Battlefield 4 does indeed have hardcore free for all.

When does battlefield bad company 3 come out?

According to playstation magazine UK it out around December 09 to early 2010 in UK, think it the same or similar releases for all regions.Improvement: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will be available on March 2, 2010 in North America and March 5, 2010 in Europe for the Xbox 360, PS3 and the PC.From:

Can Battlefield 2 for PC be played online?

All the battlefield series are playable online.

In a company there are 11 executives: six women five men. Four are selected at attend a management seminar. Find the probability that all four selected are men.?

i dont know

How many gigs is battlefield 3 premium?

Here are all the expansions for Battlefield 3 Premium: Back to Karkand, Close Quarters, Armored Kill, Aftermath, and End Game. So there are five expansions that come with Battlefield 3 Premium.