ranarr, snapedragon and some other ones but i know that ranarr seeds are worth alot.
you cant
Click on them.
yea, if u got a lot of money to waste
I would think the the creators of Runescape did. Plus today their worth a lot of coins.
Toad Flax is a type of herb, found in RuneScape. To get herbs, you can buy them from other players, by trading in game or using the Grand Exchange. Another good way to get herbs is to kill certain monsters that drop them. Druids are perfect for this; they drop grimy herbs a lot.
A good low leveled monster that drops good items in runescape is chaos druids. Because they drop lots of herbs like Rannar which is a lot of gold pieces but you need to be a member to access them.
This depends on if you are a member or not. 100,000 GP in Runescape is actually a small feat, but if you're a member, it makes it a lot easier than if you are not. If you are a member, there are several ways to make money, the chaos druids in the dungeon near Taverly, for example. They sometimes drop herbs called "Ranarrs" Which are worth several thousand dollars each, and that's only one of the herbs they drop. If you are not a member there are also several ways, if not a little slower. Things like fishing and selling crabs, or mining, or, this is common for low levels, getting chicken feathers.
The secret to being successful in Runescape is to play a lot.
every herb takes 70 mins to grow
You can play it a lot. You can also do some reading on the official Runescape site, as well as fan sites such as runescape.wikia.com.
lets, see. My best suggestion is druids which are located in the edgeville tunnel
Herblore is a members-only skill; granted that Herbs are used in potion-making among other things, the answer to your question would be a definite yes. Free players cannot use herbs and as such cannot make potions.