nothing. it just drops where ever you throw it, but if you throw it in water, itll float.
Look for the target from the rooftops. After locating him (in a courtyard), stay on the rooftops and kill a nearby guard. Pick up the body and throw it in the courtyard. Wait for a few seconds as everyone exits except the target. Kill the target and runaway quickly.
you cant drag body in the first one just the second AC. that was one of their new additions in assassins creed 2. you may be unhappy but i woulnt bother getting AC2 now. 3 is coming out soon. dont know when but i checked and it should be coming out in late 2010.if you look at videos you will see reveal trailers of AC brotherhood. there will be multiplayer action and hopefully there is going to be a demo. when assassins creed botherhood does come out you should be way more excited. assassins creed 3 should be a blast. if you can drag in 2 there should be in brotherhood (3)
The Body of Christopher Creed was created in 2000.
You bend your knees and go up when you shoot.
No, in Assassin's Creed I, Altair is unable to swim, and will die if he falls into a body of water.
Your liver breaks down and you die. Or you will throw up violently until your lungs fall out or you choke on your throw up and you die.
Throw out or eliminate from the body
Actually Torey finds his body in the forest, he fell on top of it... More details in the book
you will become weak and dizzy. you can throw up and pass out. if it gets severe your stomache will actually bloat
I figure the The Body of Christopher Creed takes place during 2000 , because that is when the book came out
In weightlessness, an astronaut that "pretends" to throw an object may find his or her arm's sudden movement causes their body to rotate in the same direction. If they actually threw a mass, the forces would cause the astronaut to travel in the opposite direction.
The novel "The Body of Christopher Creed" by Carol Plum-Ucci takes place in the late 20th century, around the late 1990s.