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you get to be invinsible since there's no nests to go to after you die.

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Q: What happens if you kill all the nests on your continent in Spore creature stage I did and now i have no food?
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How do you find the creatures friends and make them follow you on spore creatures?

You can't really find their friends, but with some creatures you can find their nests.

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You have to punch the nests a few times and you will find a battery , but you must escape the bugs first.

Where were dinosaurs born?

Dinosaurs were never born. They hatched from eggs laid in nests. Their fossils are found on every continent of the world.

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South America

Got any ideas for a new expansion pack on spore?

I think it would be cool to dig underground like sneaking andhaving burrows instead of nests for mammals and other creatures. Having the ability to stay a fish after the cell stage and live under water. Another idea of mine is to have different types of fruit like poisonous berries would be cool. Perhaps being able to climb. (Creature stage is my favorite stage.)

What creature is an emmet?

There is no creature called an 'Emmet'. However, in the Twilight saga series, there is a chracter called Emmett Cullen, who is not a human, but a vampire, making him a different type of creature to the other humans. Oh yes, there is a creature in the real world called an 'emmet'. It resembles a large ant.

What is an example of sentence using the word nests?

There exists various nests on that tree. This is a sentence containing the word nests.

Which creature lives in a eyrie?

The large raptors such as eagles and hawks are the birds that live in eyries. An eyrie is defined as the nest of an eagle or other bird of prey.

Why do birds chase cats?

Birds may chase cats to protect their nests or young, as cats are natural predators of birds. By harassing the cat, the birds may be trying to scare it away from their territory to keep their offspring safe. Additionally, birds may also chase cats as a form of defense to prevent themselves from becoming prey.

How do ant's keep there nests clean?

They can't keep their nests clean because their nests are on the ground.

What is the plural form of the word nest?

The plural posessive form is nests'.

Is nests possessive?

No, the word 'nests' is the plural form of the singular noun nest.example: There are two nests in that maple tree.The possessive form of the singular noun nest is nest's.The possessive form of the plural noun nests is nests'.