After 1000 rads you will die.
To prevent this use Rad-X in irradiated areas to lower the rads you get per second, and use Rad-Away if your radiation level goes to high, you can also seek out a doctor that can remove the radiation for you for 100-150 caps if you have high rad, and don't have any or enough Rad-Away.
there are also different perks that can increase your resistance to radiation.
...Desert Ranger 4...
Rads contribute towards radiation poisoning. Most of the food in New Vegas is irradiated, it's not a particularly high level but it can all contribute to something serious over time. Radiation sickness becomes increasingly debilitating, the more irradiated you are. You might want to take some Rad-X before consuming a large amount of food, or keep some Rad-Away on hand.
in Fallout III?
I've only heard of a nuke causing rads fallout, I included the link to wikipedia.
copy and ppaste this link it tells you what happens
One gray=0.01 Rads...Incorrect (very), Correct.....One Gray = 100 Rads.
200 to 1000 rads will cause illness with a greater effect towards the end. Any dose over 1000 rads will often prove to be fatal.
1 gray
He saves Wilfred from absorbing 5000 rads and kills himself causing him to regenerate.
BI-RADS is simply the word used in the categories of mammogram results. BI-RADS 0 means additional imaging is needed. BI-RADS 1 means no evidence of cancer. BI-RADS 5 means likely cancer. There are a range of results in between.
The cast of Rads 1000 - 1972 includes: John Steiner
BI-RADS is a system of categorizing results of mammograms. BI-RADS 2 means that the finding is benign -- not cancer. Such a result would be typical if a lymph node were found in the breast.
BI-RADS 4 on a mammogram means there is a suspicious abnormality, and a biopsy might be required. It does not necessarily mean cancer.