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Godot was proven guilty of murder but, it is unclear of what sentence he received.

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Q: What happened to Godot in Phoenix Wright Trials And Tribulations after the last case?
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Which Phoenix Wright game had a teenager Phoenix on trial at the start?

Phoenix Wright - Trials and Tribulations

What game comes after Phoenix wright ace attorney?

First is Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Second is Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney: Justice for All. Third is Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations. Fourth is Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney. Fifth and Final to this point is Ace Attorney Investigations, Miles Edgeworth Japanese versions of Ace Attorney 5 and Ace Attorney Investigations 2 have also been heard of.

How do you download Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations onto the PC?

Actually the PC versions are in japan if you want to get the game you can get a DS emulator and download the rom version of the game for the emulator.

Can you play as mia in ace attorney?

In the first game, Mia appears and she is mentioned, but you do not use her in any trials. However, in the third game, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations, you play as her as a defense attorney in case one and four; these are the only times where you can play as Mia.

What year is Phoenix wright set in?

Phoenix Wright: Ace attorney takes place in 2016. Justice For All takes place in 2017. Trials & Tribulations takes place in 2018 and sometimes in other years like 2013. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney takes place in 2025. Incase anyone is wondering, these times are based around the fact that the DL-6 incident (the one with the elevator, the bailiff and the spirit medium) happened in 2001. 2001+15=2016.

How many episodes are there in Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney?

Currently, there are four Ace Attorney games: 1. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney 2. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All 3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations 4. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Recently, the release of a fifth game has been announced, yet again where the protagonist is Phoenix; however, the game is set one year after the Apollo Justice game and Phoenix is a much older guy. There are also two games in the Miles Edgeworth Investigation series, which is simply where Edgeworth is the protagonist and you investigate crimes without going to court.

What is Phoenix Wright's middle name?

Phoenix Apollo Wright. Ironic, isn't it?

Who is the prosecutor in Phoenix Wright Trials and Tribulations?

The prosecutor is Godot, the man who drinks 17 cups of coffee in one trial. Also, the prosecutor Winston Payne that appears at Turnabout Memories and Turnabout Beginnings. Of course Franciska von Karma at Bridge To The Turnabout in the first chapter of the case. hey u idiots if u want to no the anwer play the freaken game!!!

In the ds games Phoenix wright ace attorney what age is Phoenix wright?


What are the action replay codes phoenix wright ace attorney?

There definitely are ar codes for the game, but not a lot. i dont have the codes with me but i have a code that gives me infinite life during trials.

What is the profession of the character Phoenix Wright?

Phoenix Wright is an adventure video game. Phoenix Wright, the main character, is a rookie defense lawyer. He has some very wild cross-examination skills.

Why do most of the 'Phoenix Wright' game cases have turnabout in the title eg Turnabout Corner Apollo Justice Turnabout Memories Trials and Tribulations Turnabout Samurai Ace Attorney?

Because they are all in some way turned on it's heels. It's basically just about how the trial is a turnabout. eg. In Turnabout Samurai there is a huge turnabout in the middle of the trial when it's shown that the victim was the steel samurai.