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The name of the expansion is Cataclysm. It was released on December 07, 2010.

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That information is not yet known. There are several speculations, but nothing concrete. Blizzard is not even finished with Cataclysm yet so it will be a long, long, long time.

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How do you get the cataclysm expansion pack in World of Warcraft?

To get the Cataclysm expansion, simply upgrade your account. Note: To get the Cataclysm expansion, you must first upgrade to Wrath of the Lich King expansion, then upgrade to the Cataclysm expansion.

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No, as Cataclysm is meant for World of Warcraft, not Warcraft 3.

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First and foremost, to become a Worgen, you need to have an account that is paid up to Cataclysm. If you did not purchase the Cataclysm expansion, then you can not be a Worgen.

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The third expansion pack for World of Warcraft, Cataclysm, was announced on August 21st, 2009, and released on December 7th, 2010.

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It means that whatever aspect of the game you are trying to use you have to have the newest expansion pack which is cataclysm.

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In order to use World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, you must first buy the basic game, and update to each and every expansion that is available. You can not just jump right to Cataclysm. So, you have to buy the "Vanilla" wow (the original, which comes with the Burning Crusade expansion), Wrath of the Lich King, and then Cataclysm. You have to purchase ALL expansions.

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If by Catalyst you mean the newly announced expansion Cataclysm... The official Blizzard website is.

Is World of Warcraft cataclysm the last expansion pack?

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Yes. You have to have every expansion they have ever made in order to play Cataclysm :)

When you buy World of Warcraft Cataclysm do you get all other expansions to?

No you do not get all other expansions when you buy Cataclysm. You have to buy each and every expansion, in order, in order to upgrade Cataclysm. This means you have to buy the original game (which includes Burning Crusade), Wrath of the Lich King, and then Cataclysm.

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your life is deemed unworthy