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Q: What era does the statue of Constantine belongs to?
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What was the Constantine era?

It was the time in which Constantine the Great ruled Ancient Rome.

What ancient Roman emperor's statue stands in the Basilica Nova?

The Roman Emperor Constantine finished building the Basilica Nova. He placed a huge statue of himself in the basilica.

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How do you get the wooden croagunk statue in the pokemart in pastridona city in Pokemon pearl?

You don't. The statue is just a decoration; it belongs to the store.

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Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous painters. Some of his early work belongs to the classical era and his later work belongs to the cubist era.

Why was the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius never melted down?

The statue equestrian of Marcus Aurelius was not melted down because in the Middle Ages it was thought that it was a statue of Constantine the Great and therefore was not seen a the representation of a pagan emperor.

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17th Century= 1600s

Is Greek colossus a god?

I think it's in reference to any large statue from that era

What is the significance of the Roman statue of a horse with Marcus Aurelius?

The Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius is the only surviving equestrian statue of a pre-Christian Roman Emperor. These statues were meted down in the latter days of the Romans to make coins or new statues or in the Middle Ages because the Christians saw them as pagan idols. This statue has survived because it was mistakenly thought that it was the statue of Constantine the Great, who was considered to have been the first Christian Roman emperor.

What do era mean?

era- a period of time marked by a specific character Era means a certain point in time. It is a way to catagorize the past. ie. The 1960's is an era of war and peace.the same as the word erathe period of time to which anything belongs or is to be assigned

What is a sentence for Constantine?

I am a constantine.

Who was the emperor of Rome during christian era?

Constantine the Great was the first of the Christian Roman Emperors. He was quite contradictory, however, to Emperors such as Nero who had Christians killed.