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Q: What does your moshi monsters mood mean?
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Related questions

What is the code for the mood wheel in moshi monsters?

to get the mood wheel an moshi monsters, you must get the moshi magazine 5

How do you change your monsters mood on Moshi Monsters?

You have to play and feed your monster daily, this will increase the mood!

How do you get the spinning wheel to tell you your emtion on moshi monsters?

You can get the spinning mood from the moshi monsters magazine but it can only be used once and it can't be shared

How do you get to your monsters profile on moshi monsters?

Go home and on the left side above your monsters mood, there is a tab saying "VIEW PROFILE".

How do you make your moshi monsters mood go up?

Play, buy or feed it!

Where is the secondry profile on moshi monsters?

When you are in your monsters room click on 'View Profile' to the left of the screen, just above where your monsters mood is displayed.

What does owner name mean on Moshi Monsters?

The 'Owner Name' is the name of the owner of the Moshi Monsters monsters. When you sign up for a Moshi Monsters account, you choose an 'Owner Name' and that is the name you use to Sign In to Moshi Monsters.

Where is your moshi monsters profile?

When you are in your room, above the Mood icon, it says view profile.

How do you get bio moshi monster?

You can get to your Moshi Monsters bio (or profile) by clicking on the view profile button to the left of the screen when you are in your monsters room. The button is located just above the mood.

What does it mean if you sign up on Moshi Monsters?

To 'sign up' for Moshi Monsters means you register to become a member of Moshi Monsters. Once you register and activate your membership, you can play on the Moshi Monsters web site.

What are the lyrics to Moshi Moshi Moshi?

this is a very long song but... moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshling moshling moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi monsters monsters moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshi moshling moshling.... so basikly every 4 times it says moshling moshling insted of monsters monsters.

What is that game where you decapitate monsters?

if you mean adopt monsters it is called Moshi Monsters