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The phrase means that you should be resourceful, and not spend your money on things that you dont need. Once money is gone it will not grow back.

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Q: What does the phrase money don't grow on trees mean?
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If money dont grow on trees why do banks have branches?

I thought you'd have twigged that yourself.

Money never grow on trees?

This phrase is an idiom that means money is not easily obtained or earned. It emphasizes the idea that one must work hard or be resourceful to earn money, rather than expecting it to come easily like fruit from a tree.

Are orchids more common to grow on the ground or trees?

in the ground, they usually dont grow in trees.

What does it mean when someone says money doesn't grow on trees?

It means that you have to work for money, it's not easy to come by. People will say money doesn't grow on trees, because typically trees are abundant, and the things that grow on trees are easy to get. You have to work for true money.

Is it it true that money grow on trees?


Can money grow on trees?

No, money cannot grow on trees. Money is typically obtained through earning income, receiving gifts or loans, or through investments. Trees are living organisms that do not produce money.

If trees are wood and money comes from wood how can money grow ON trees?

they cant its just an expression

Is it possible for money to eventually grow on trees?


Is do short vowel?

do money grow on trees

Why do trees do not tend to grow under other trees?

they dont grow under other trees becouse the wont get enough sun light and water to live

Why can't money grow from trees?

if you are smart you would know that money can't grow from trees and you are the stupidest person alive also money is paper and you cant grow paper even if paper is made from trees so why even ask the question. this is all i can say.

Does a cucumber tree have a fruit?

Cucumbers dont grow on trees.