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It means that they need a shower. Just pick them up and drag the to the shower. Hope that helps. <3

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Q: What does not feeling fresh mean on virtual families?
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if you mean price about $7 on the computer or on some webstites you can download it for free :D

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do you mean games? in which case id say sims and harvest moon

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It means their going to make a baby hope I helped

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Elated is an adjective that means very happy, in high spirits, jubilant.

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I have a feeling of weakness and exhaustion as soon as I walked in the house but when I was outside I felt fine What does this mean?

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ola [oh la] if you mean having life; kamakamaka [kay-ma-ka-ma-ka-] if you mean feeling fresh and alive.

How do you stop feeling blotted?

Do u mean bloated? Drink some water, got some fresh air, and have a lye down in peace and quiet

How do you choose fresh and high quality produce?

pardon?do you mean vegetable and fruit?Or farmer products?If it is,you just look over their colors and the touch feeling.