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There are many definitions of Hell...even according to Websters Dictionary. If you mean to ask about the "hell" often referred to as the opposite of heaven and somewhere that one might go when they die...then the definition I think you will find most appropriate is "A state of separation from God; exclusion from God's presence." If you can imagine a big city like New York without any good in it, no kindness, no giving, no smiles, no all...that is close to hell, but not complete. Because all good things come from God, hell means to be separated from ALL that is good.

It is not a punishment because you were not good enough in life, it is a choice. The one and only God is a just God. When we do things to separate ourselves from Him, he honors our choice. Yet, God wants to be with each one of us because He still loves us so much, no matter how many things we have done to walk away from Him. So, we need someone to "save" us from these choices we have made. Jesus came to pay for those bad choices with his life, even though he never made a bad choice. If we choose to believe that Jesus did this, our relationship with God is restored and we can start experiencing the very real joy and peace of heaven here on earth way before death.

AnswerHell is one of the two places you go when you die it is a place where you will go if you behave badly on earth or on your time on earth. the place you go is decided by Allah or "god". Answer'Hell' was one of two places invented by faiths as part of the 'afterlife', the other being 'Heaven'. They were intended to act as a reward-and-punishment system to force people into being good (i.e if you're good, you'll live for eternity in perfect happiness in Heaven, and if you're bad, you'll be tortured and tormented forever in the fires of Hell). Neither have any evidence of existence.
There are 3 words in The Bible translated to English as Hell by Christians, all have different contradictory meanings:
  • Sheol - Hebrew word meaning "place of waiting", no implication of punishment. [Judaism: Sheol refers to the physical grave]
  • Gehenna - Hebrew name for a location that had garbage dump that was kept burning all the time. [Judaism: this refers to the period of soul cleansing after death]
  • Hell - Greek word meaning a place of punishment, contrasted to Hades. [Judaism: there is no concept of hell and the word is not present anywhere in the Tanach (Jewish Bible)]
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14y ago

it means Bad or where satien lives.

Another answer:- According to the website 'wordiQ' the English word Hell is derived from the old Norse word Hel, which refered to the Goddess of the underword. The original meaning of 'Hell' is thought to be 'Hidden' as it has the same root as the Anglo-Saxon word 'Helan' and the Latin word 'Celare' which both mean 'To hide.'

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Hell/hel/ " a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering"

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