What are the main abilities of the World of Warcraft boss Onyxia?
The World of Warcraft boss Onyxia has a total of 8 abilities.
The main ones that it most commonly uses are as follows: Breath
(releases fire breath with an unlimited range), Fire Ball (which
also has infinite range) and Heated Ground (which is ranged,
damaging enemies that are close to it).
How can you get easy gold on World of Warcraft?
You can get easy gold on WoW through the Mining and Skinning
You can make easy gold in WoW by the Mining and Skinning
completing quests is the easiest way to get gold.
How many proffesions can you learn in World of Warcraft?
You can have two primary professions (such as skinning,
leatherworking, tailoring, blacksmithing, etcetera) and all of the
secondary professions (Fishing, Cooking, First Aid and