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Anything that's greek and made in Greece.

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Q: What do you buy the drachma with?
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What do I have to do with the drachma?

i used the drachma to buy a bag a sand for something

Where do you buy the drachma on poptropica?

Go to Hades castle and then help the guy outside clean the graffiti. Then he will give you a drachma.

Where do you get the drachma to buy the bag of wind on mythology island?

You get the drachma for the wind bag by cleaning the three grafftii signs off the Temple of hades. See the worker there and clean them carefully to earn your one drachma.

Where do you get the drachma on Mythology Island?

There is exactly ONE drachma to be earned on the island. If you go to the temple of Hades (right of Temple of Muses), the worker will pay you ONE drachma to clean the three graffiti signs off the outside. You will use the drachma near the end of the game. You cannot buy anything in the village.

What do you do after you clean up hades graffiti?

This is what you get- You get one drachma, which you will need to buy a wind bag.

What are the denominations of Ancient Greek money?

talent = 60 mina mina = 100 drachma stater = 2 drachma drachma = 6 obols Other coins: Decadrachm = 10 drachma Tetradrachm = 4 drachma Didrachm = stater = 2 drachma

What do you buy with the coin on Mythology Island?

Late in the game, on Mount Olympus, the one drachma will buy a wind bag from Aeolus, to help you climb the mountain.

How do find drachma in mythology island?

In order to find the drachma on Mythology Island in the game Poptropica, you will need to complete various tasks and puzzles. The drachma can be obtained by solving a puzzle involving the Minotaur in the Labyrinth. Once you defeat the Minotaur and free the captured boy, he will give you the drachma as a reward.

How much is a drachma worth in US dollars?

It depends on what kind of drachma you have, but if it is a 10, 50, 100, or 500 drachma, virtually nothing.

How do you get drachma's Poptropica?

you can only get the one drachma by washing hades temple

What country has the drachma?

Greece used the Drachma before 2002. Since then it uses the Euro.

What do you do with your one drachma on Mythology Island?

You can use the one drachma to buy a bag of wind from Aeolus at the Palace entrance on Mythology Island. The bag of wind can be used later in the quest to help you reach different areas of the island.