The smallest puzzle was 7.75 cm by 5.7cm and had 99 pieces and was considered the hardest puzzle ever with a piece density of 40,000 pieces per meter
Pieces are to a puzzle as notes are to music. Each are essential to completing the whole.
autism awareness
the puzzles are done
the puzzles have ended
the 10,000,000,000,000 piece puzzle
The world's largest jigsaw puzzle had 24,000 pieces. This puzzle was designed and created by Royce B. McClure. The puzzle took about 400 hours to complete by itself.
The most peices on a puzzle ive seen is 20,000
I saw that there were some pieces missing.
Objects that can represent understanding include a lightbulb to symbolize enlightenment, an open book to represent knowledge, and a puzzle to signify putting pieces together to see the whole picture.
That puzzle is over now. Sorry!
Sorry! The puzzle is over now!