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Cuttlefish are cephalopods, a class found within the phylum Mollusca. Like other cephalopods, they have bilateral symmetry, a prominent head, and their "foot" has been modified into a number of arms and tentacles. They have internalized the shell found in most mollusks, and it is referred to as the cuttlebone. Cuttlefish have no backbone; they are invertebrates, and so, despite their misleading name, they are not true fish. Protruding from around their mouths, they have eight arms and two tentacles with which they catch their prey.

One of the most remarkable aspects of cuttlefish, though, is their advanced camouflaging abilities. Cuttlefish have very complex eyes, with W-shaped pupils that can see the polarization of light and in 3-D; they are, however, colorblind. Despite this, on natural substrates, cuttlefish can change color in mere seconds to blend in so well against their background that they are hardly visible. This camouflage is done by means of a vast number of small neuromuscular organs called chromatophores that expand and contract to change the color of the cuttlefish' skin. Even after the cuttlefish has died, the chromatophores may continue to cause color-change, in a distinctive post-mortem pattern known as Wolkenwandern, or "wandering clouds". There are also some other types of cells that add to the variety of colors cuttlefish can display. Cuttlefish's sides have been likened to a tv screen, so adept are they at changing colors quickly and smoothly, and in fact, some tv screens have been developed using a technology based on cuttlefish's color-changing abilities.

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14y ago
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15y ago

a cuttlefish is a mollusca that looks like a tiny squid

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14y ago

It looks like an octopus! You are welcome. =D

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11y ago

Yes. Cuttlefish are cephalopods alongside octopi, squid, and the painted nautaulis.

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14y ago

It looks like an octopus. You are welcomed! =) =ㅇ =D

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How does a cuttlefish look like?

A cross between a lobster and a crab

What shape is a cuttlefish?

it sort of looks like a squid but a lot smaller. You can look it up on then just type in cuttlefish

What is the name of the colour changing fish with what look like tentacles on its face?


Are cuttlefish's arms twice as long as their body?

No, if you go on and type in cuttlefish, you can plainly see that the arms aren't as long as its body.

Do cuttlefish have shells?

No. Like most cephalopods alive today, cuttlefish lack shells.

What kind of sea creature changes colour according To its mood?

Cuttlefish: if u want more info look up cuttlefish on googleFromUnknown

What have scientists learned about cuttlefish through observation?

Cuttlefish are cephalopods. One of the things that scientists have learned about the cuttlefish through observation is that cuttlefish have the ability to change their appearance so that they blend in with their immediate environment, much like a camouflage.

What have the scientists learned about the cuttlefish through observation?

Cuttlefish are cephalopods. One of the things that scientists have learned about the cuttlefish through observation is that cuttlefish have the ability to change their appearance so that they blend in with their immediate environment, much like a camouflage.

Do cuttlefish have horned or toothed toungues?

The cuttlefish do have a beak. They have a parrot-like beak when they feedon bivalves, snails, and worms.

Is a cuttlefish an omnivore?

No. Cuttlefish are carnivores.

What type of mouth does a cuttle fish have?

The mouth of cuttlefish is armed with a sort of parrot-like beak. It is surrounded by eight arms and two longer tentacles, the later of which are used for ensnaring the cuttlefish's prey and in the cuttlefish's mating ritual.

What is cuttlefish bone casting?

A cuttlefish has a solid, bone-like structure, known as a cuttlebone. This can be carved easily, and one application is to make a casting mould out of it.