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Sparta led the defence of the Greek mainland up to the defeat of the Persian in 480-479 BCE. Athens led the second phase of organising the protection of the liberated cities in Asia Minor thereafter until peace in 449 BCE.

Presumably defeating the invasion was the critical part.

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They were both city-states which contributed sea and land forces to the Greek coalition which opposed the Persians.

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Q: What did the Sparta and Athens have to do with the Persian War?
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How could the Persian war have ended if Sparta and Athens had not united to fight the Persian Army?

The Persians would have won if Sparta and Athens had not united to fight the Persian Army

What war did Sparta and Athens work together?

The Persian Wars

What led to the Persian War between the Spartans and Athenians?

Sparta and Athens were allies against Persia in the Persian War.

Who led in the Persian War?

On tthe Persian side, the Persian king. On the Greek side, first Sparta, then Athens.

How do the Persian Wars bring Athens and Sparta together and then tear them apart?

Athens and Sparta were friendly before the Persian War. They naturally joined the alliance which repelled the Persian invasion. A Spartan force helped Athens retain its government against a revolt pre-war. Athens post-war helped Sparta put down a serf rebellion, but then started to side with the serfs, so the Spartans sent them home. That was the split.

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What was the name of the war where Athens and Sparta fought each other?

Persian Wars

Who was a rival to Athens?

Sparta ***** The persian empire.

What are some similarities ancient Sparta and ancient Athens had?

They both fought in the second Persian War

What empire is east of Sparta and Athens?

Persian Empire

Greek cities took part in Persian War?

There were over 200, led at first by Sparta, then Athens.