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Pioneers drank water,water that they got from rivers and streams. SOme pioneers got sick because of the water they drank. But if someone was sick and they had a medicine that was liquid that was drinken. Also, if something was eaten and it was poionus, whiskey would be forced down that person throte.

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6y ago

People along the Oregon Trail ate dried beans, pancakes, biscuits, apples, corn bread and salted meat. Sometimes they would have someone hunt and bring back meat.

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Q: What did pioneers mostly eat on the Oregon trail?
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Did the pioneers eat corn bread on the Oregon trail?

yes they did :)

Did pioneers eat eggs on the Oregon trail?

no they stopped at a resteraunt in topeka kansas and got a burger at burger king

Did the Pioneers eat Biscuits during the Oregon Trail in 1850?

Yes, along with gravey beans and food that they hunted down.

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The buffalo were so important because the pioneers used their hide for money or warmth and their meat for money or for food to feed their families.

What did people on the Oregon Trail eat for breakfast?

they ate breads eggs and apples for breakfasst

What did pioneers eat for breakfast?

Mostly Mcdonalds, and some dragon balls. That was theyre favorite

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animals ate: 1. Plants 2. Meat Thats all =)

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Super Battle Heaven Forever - 2013 Chimney Swift vs Eat My Diction Oregon Trail in Minecraft 1-4 was released on: USA: 14 January 2013

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It will be hard to stay there with other people you dont know living with them for months and you could not eat what you want

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