I wouldn't put my money on it
The real answer is that it will be used in solar powered cars and many other things.
Hydrogen,Energy,Air and solar powered
A solar-powered spinner or a solar-powered wind chime are examples of devices that spin when light shines on them. These devices typically have a small solar panel that absorbs sunlight and powers a motor, causing the object to spin or move when exposed to light.
The real answer is that it will be used in solar powered cars and many other things.
Mainly calculators but here is alot of things solar powered but here is a few: - solar panels - solar powered appliances - solar powered shades - solar powered water heaters - solar powered lights - solar powered roofs
The car of the Future. PhotoVolt One. Sol.
Solar battery chargers are a great option for powering your devices at home or on the go. They are powered by the sun and can be recharged again and again.
could the sun self destruct? how far away is the sun? what is the suns temperatue? is there a solar powered car out for sale to the public? how does the solar pannel work? what is the surface of the sunn called? how many solar powered devices are for sale on trade me?
* destroyers are powered by solar power and they have to be used by the solar powered
How does a solar powered car stop
No, there are no solar powered briefcases.