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You should buy the NAVIGATOR (12,000 doubloons) in Parrot Port. She increases the speed of your vessel.
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Q: What crew member should you hire first on Skullduggery Island?
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How do you trade and sell in skullduggery island on poptropica?

To trade and sell on island on skullduggery island you first must be on one of the 5 islands and walk around you should see a post that says " TRADING POST"

Where is fort ridley on skullduggery island?

Fort Ridley is the first place you go on Skullduggery Island. Its impossible to miss it.

Where is the first island in Skullduggery Island?

The on e you're on of course dumb***

Where do you go to first on Skullduggery Island on Poptropica?

It's your choice

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There was no solution to the Sneak Peek -- it just showed the first part of the island.

What is the easyest to hardest island on Poptropica?

first off: learn how to spell! the easiest island is astro knight and skullduggery the hardest island island is early poptropica

Were is the parrot on Skullduggery Island on poptropica?

On top of the barrels inbetween the first house and the trading post.

How do you unlock the chest on Counterfeit Island?

First go to skullduggery island,take your ship to a island called Keys World island and you will find the key of the chest on counterfeit island!;)

How do you get to dragoncave on skullduggery island?

Well first of all when you go to skullduggery island there is a map but it was broken up at each island. All you have to do is complete a small task on Fort Ridley (where you began you quest) and then you will have a small/weak boat. You sail North-West from Fort Ridley.

What do you do on the bouffant bay Skullduggery Island?

You have to go to see the person,when you first get there the closest person ,beat it already!

Where is Polly on Poptropica Skullduggery Island?

When you reach Parrot Port, you will see Polly in front of the first building/house, on a barrel.

How do you get the treasure on skullduggery island on skullduggery?

Once you have all five pieces of the Treasure Map, the 6th island, Skullduggery, appears on the map. When you acquire a powerful ship, and scare off Captain Crawfish, the Governor will give you the Treasure location and a bone shovel to dig it up. (see related question)