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While it is common to find third party companies which make accessories for game consoles, Microsoft refuses to license the technology used by wireless controllers. While other companies make wired controllers, the only wireless controllers for Xbox 360 are made by Microsoft.

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Based on user reviews and statistics, it seems the best game controllers are made by Razer Onza. They rank highest in features, design, convenience and help & support as well has being low priced. Logitech Wireless and Logitech Rumble come in a close second and third.

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Q: What companies make Xbox 360 wireless controllers?
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Is there wireless controlers for PS2?

Yes, some companies make wireless controllers that are compatible with the ps2.

What companies make replacement Xbox controllers?

There is no company, except for Microsoft, who issue out replacement Xbox controllers. Microsoft is the sole producer of any Xbox merchandise or accessories, including controllers.

How much does a wireless controller cost for the Xbox 360?

There are several companies that make wireless controllers for the Xbox 360. If you are a believer in the microsoft name, and want an official controller, the cost is going to be around $49.99. Another option is the MadCatz controller, which goes for around $25.00

What company makes xbox 360 controllers?

Microsoft makes the ones that come with the console in the box, but other companies also make controllers, such as Mad Catz

What wireless controllers are out there for the Xbox.?

You can get a wireless controller in about half a dozen colors and in transparent.Logitech.You can buy the glowing one and the rapid fire one.Numerous other manufacturers make them aside from Microsoft.

What are some companies that make good controllers for use with computer gaming software?

I like the Xbox controller for windows,but Logitech is probably the best company for making game controllers.

Do wireless GameCube controllers exist?

no they do not make them in america!

Do they make wireless computer game controlers?

Yes, a number of companies including Microsoft and Logitech manufacture a wide range of wireless computer game joysticks and control pads. There have been some reviews to show that wireless controllers are actually less accurate than wired controllers due to the lag in the computer interpreting the data, however, they are less cumbersome and cannot be tangled like wired controllers.

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Which is best Wii or XBox or PS3?

It depends. The Wii has the pros of being extremely interactive, wireless controllers, , as well as the ability to play GameCube games and connectivity to the Nintendo DS series. The Xbox 360 has phenomenal graphics, wireless controllers and massive memory capabilities, along with internet access and the ability to store music, photos and movies and play them while playing games. The PS3 has an online gaming service, compatability with the PSP, Blue Ray storage capablites and wireless controllers. So you'll have to make your own mind up.

Are there any wireless controllers for the Gamecube?

Nintendo does make some wireless controllers for the GameCube but they're a bit rare these days. Look around online and you may be able to find some.

What kind of headset is good with the Xbox do they make wireless ones?

You can get a wireless headset for the Xbox 360,it comes with a microphone perfect for communicating with your halo buddies.