They are in all of the cities mages guild mostly or in the ARCANE UNIVERSITY.
For example: Summon scamp, summon dremora, summon skeleton, bound dagger, bound shield...
Cast spells
Cast a lot of alteration spells.
Join the mage guild, get all the recomendations, enter the university in the imperial city, use the spell making alter.
You will always have a spell in use on Oblivion. If you don't want to use that spell, then simply select a different one. :)
You cannot construct your own spells as you could in oblivion, you must find or purchase spell tomes and consume them.
The dark elf is very good for spells.
the bound sword is a bound daedric claymore. that weapon is tied with the daedric warhammer.
You can't find bound armor anywhere. The only way to get it is to buy the spells that can summon them. But, a easy solution is to buy Daedric armor. Which, is only available at level 20. But they cost a heck of a lot of gold and weigh like hell. Or you can find doomstones that give you the bound spells (weapons and armor). All of them weigh nothing and still have as good a rating as Daedric armor and weapons. You can also kwpp these weapons perminantly by degrading the weapons/armours health and then repairing it to 100 with repair hammer(s). Then all you have to do is drop it and when the spell has run out just pick it up. It still weighs nothing, you can enchant it still and it still has the same ratings.
It should be in the list of all your other spells. Cast it normally.
30 second invisibility
there is no bound warhammer spell only bound dagger, bound mace, bound war axe, bound sword(claymor), bound cuirass, bound greaves, bound helmet, bound gauntlets, bound boots, and bound shield