Well, I don't think you can really. The CDE Staff are the people who make the website, improve it, and add more to it. My guess is you'd have to meet Bobbybird, aka Evan Bailyn and ask him for the job.
just search cde cuteness on google
Creator of Moshi MonstersMrMoshiHead Community MonsterMissPinkyAssistant Community Monstersbootsymagsphi1123spookygirluni_corngrawwlygrufflerMonster Moderation Teambaronvonryddleboreofrazzledglitteringprizeindigojemflowerlogicallynnipoomisslupitaporcinepigsabrielshadowkris03smitheroozip2diskukzooberguberTech Monstersmc_arghneenjarylonterriblemrtwranglerart gallery curatorcurator
One thing...CDE iS aWESOME! xD and it is.. sea love
My cde means cartoondollemporium If you want know more add me at cartoondollemporium.com my username is naruto_girl1
The cde logos are just like the large one you see on the home page. They are hidden throughout cde and cde users find them for some reward.
The rhyme scheme of "On His Blindness" by John Milton is ABBAABBACDCDCD.
Cool unused usernames for Instagram 2015
CDE aaga bCba AAGAA GEEDCDE CbCDbgb CDE aaga bCba AAGAA GEDCbDbgaaga
CDE stands for Career Development Event. CDE's are contests that usually focus on jobs, ex. Ag Mechanics, Forestry, Livestock Judging, Agronomy, ect.
Cool unused usernames for Instagram 2015
It's what mine is