

What are the ramparts of a castle?

Updated: 12/10/2022
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13y ago

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A rampart is a protected fighting platform for castle defenders. A defensive bank of earth or rubble. Iis placed behind the crenellation.

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Q: What are the ramparts of a castle?
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What are ramparts?

Ramparts are the top most part of a castle walkway

What are the defensive parts of Edinburgh castle?

The ramparts.

What was the tallest part of the medieval castle?

The highest point of the castle is the keep!

What were the purpose of Ramparts in ancient times?

Ramparts, or defensive walls, were often built around settlements or cities in ancient times. Their primary purpose was to act as an impenetrable barrier for attackers. From the top of ramparts, or from specially made 'arrow slit' windows, defenders could fire upon any intruders in relative safety. However, ramparts also were used often in daily life as a means of getting around a castle, town, or other settlement, and were sometimes utilized as storage spaces.

When was Ramparts of Clay created?

Ramparts of Clay was created in 1971.

When was Ramparts - magazine - created?

Ramparts - magazine - was created in 1962.

When did Ramparts - magazine - end?

Ramparts - magazine - ended in 1975.

Why was it good for medieval castles to be on mounds?

The purpose of a castle is defense. The higher a castle more land can be seen from the ramparts, therefore, if any enemy is approaching they will be seen sooner. Another advantage is that it can better be seen from a distance and that is a show of power.

What is the duration of Ramparts of Clay?

The duration of Ramparts of Clay is 1.33 hours.

What part of speech is ramparts?

The word ramparts is a noun. It is the plural form of the noun rampart.

What does one need to esclade the ramparts?

In order to escalade the ramparts, one would only need to bring a ladder to the ramparts and use the ladder to scale the side of the target fortified area.

What are the release dates for The Ramparts We Watch - 1940?

The Ramparts We Watch - 1940 was released on: USA: 19 September 1940