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Q: What are the numbers to the painting safe in steamworks?
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The combination for the painting in Ziggs' room is 0516

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There is no password, but the combination for the safe is 0516.

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they dont respawn after Mothership Zeta, however, the only place with aliens is The Steamworks after the mothership zeta questline, after you kill the aliens in Steamworks after questline they dont respawn, Engineering Core and The Bridge is safe, and so should Holding Cells, just got to clear out Steamworks again and the ship is safe from aliens completely

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you have to get the number: minus five

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Helicon in the left or right side of Steamworks

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its in the museum on mainstreet of steamworks island :)

What are the numbers you need to remember on steamworks island?

the code is 0516 i think. if not then please improve answer compleate than tell how. PLEASE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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(The solution is at the related question "How do you beat Steamworks Island")

What type of paint is safe for skin when used for body painting?

Water-based body paint is safe for skin when used for body painting.

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how to do the bridge terminal on poptropica's steamworks island

Where is the crab in steamworks island on poptropica?

the crab on steamworks island is next to the living quarters