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never forget -- get hurt by an enemy, survive and backstab the same enemy

the longer -- get a 10 killstreak with no killstreak rewards selected

infected -- get knifed by an enemy wearing this title

living dead -- survive in final stand long enough to get back up

click, click, boom -- kill an enemy with c4 while you are in last stand

std -- transmission complete (knife an enemy wearing this title)

the numb -- take enough damage that would normally kill you with painkiller active

...with a vengeance -- avenge a fallen teammate

martydoh! -- kill an enemy who is priming a grenade

ninja -- defuse a bomb right after it is planted while the planter is still alive

sidekick -- get three kills with your secondary weapon in one life

renaissance man -- get three kills with three different weapons in one life

radiation sickness -- get nuked by the enemy

6fears7 -- select killstreak rewards requiring 7, 8, and 9 kills and earn them all

hard to kill -- get 2 kills while in last stand or final stand

the avenger -- avenge the death of 3 teammates in one life

point guard -- most assists in a game

martyr -- get a kill with martydom grenade

all rounder -- complete all other challenges

the edge: 1 -- get a game winning killcam 5 times

the edge: 2 -- get a game winning killcam 10 times

the edge: 3 -- get a game winning killcam 20 times

hijacker: 1 -- steal 10 enemy crates

hijacker: 2 -- steal 50 enemy crates

hijacker: 3 -- steal 200 enemy crates

source -- iPod Touch App "Modern Unlocks 2"

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Q: What are the hidden challenges in MW2?
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How do you get the gold skeletons in MW2?

By finishing all prestige challenges (you find them under your normal challenges when you prestige).

How many challenges are there in MW2?

you can check by clicking the home button then go left and in challenges(only on x box)

On mw2 do default classses count towards weapon and perk challenges?

Yes, I believe they do.

Fastest way to reach 10th prestige in mw2?

you should do all the easy challenges you could do

Is boosting in MW2 cheating?

no it is not cheating. it is just a noobish tactic to get nukes, other killstreak rewards, or challenges.

How do you get all titles in mw2?

do some challenges they will unlock it for you ------------------------- Completing every challenge will unlock every title.

What do you lose from prestiging for a 2nd time in mw2 e.g do i keep my progress in prestige challenges?

you keep prestige challenges, titles, and emblems. You lose everything else you have earned

How do you get the title my lil pwny in mw2?

You hav to pristege aND GET 10 kills wit a silencer on ure gun afta unlokin challenges

How do you know how many knife kills you have done on mw2?

As the knife isn't listed as either a weapon or equipment in the challenges, there is no way of telling.