

Best Answer

#1 Falkner - Zephyr Badge - Violet City

Pidgey Level 7

Pidgeotto Level 9

#2 Bugsy - Hive Badge - Azalea Town

Metapod Level 14

Kakuna Level 14

Scyther Level 16

#3 Whitney - Plain Badge - Goldenrod City

Clefairy Level 18

Miltank Level 20

#4 Morty - Fog Badge - Ecruteak City

Gastly Level 21

Haunter Level 21

Gengar Level 25

Haunter Level 23

#5 Chuck - Storm Badge - Cianwood Island

Primeape Level 27

Poliwrath Level 30

#6 Jasmine - Mineral Badge - Olivine City

Magnemite Level 30

Steelix Level 35

Magnemite Level 30

#7 Pryce - Glacier Badge - Mahogany Town

Seel Level 27

Dewgong Level 29

Piloswine Level 31

#8 Clair - Rising Badge - Blackthorn City

Dragonair Level 37

Dragonair Level 37

Kingdra Level 40

Dragonair Level 37

#9 Lt. Surge - Thunder Badge - Vermilion City

Raichu Level 44

Electrode Level 40

Electabuzz Level 46

Electrode Level 40

Magneton Level 40

#10 Sabrina - Marsh Badge - Saffron City

Espeon Level 46

Mr. Mime Level 46

Alakazam Level 48

#11 Misty - Cascade Badge - Cerulean City

Golduck Level 42

Quagsire Level 42

Lapras Level 44

Starmie Level 47

#12 Erika - Rainbow Badge - Celadon City

Tangela Level 42

Bellossom Level 46

Jumpluff Level 41

Victreebell Level 46

#13 Janine - Soul Badge - Fuchsia City

Crobat Level 36

Weezing Level 36

Weezing Level 36

Ariados Level 33

Venomoth Level 39

#14 Brock - Boulder Badge - Pewter City

Graveler Level 41

Omastar Level 42

Rhyhorn Level 41

Onix Level 44

Kabutops Level 42

#15 Blaine - Volcano Badge - Route 20

Magcargo Level 45

Rapidash Level 50

Magmar Level 45

#16 Blue - Earth Badge - Viridian City

Pidgeot Level 56

Rhydon Level 56

Alakazam Level 54

Gyarados Level 58

Arcanine Level 58

Exeggutor Level 58

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Q: What are the gyms for Pokemon Gold?
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How many gyms are in Pokemon Gold?

Theres 8 , as usual.

How do you get a Master Ball in Pokemon Gold?

compleat all gyms

How many Pokemon gym leaders are there in heart gold?

8 gyms in Johto 8 gyms in Kanto 8+8=16 16 gyms

Which Pokemon game has the most gyms?

Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver Versions. They all have 16 gyms (two regions).

How do you get to the pokeleague Pokemon gold?

finish gyms (all) and go to 1ºtown and use surf

How do you get a master ball in Pokemon Heart Gold?

Professor Elm gives it to you after you defeat the first 8 gyms. In other words, all the gyms of Johto.

How do you win gyms in heart-gold withuot a battling?

Well ... the whole deal with playing Pokemon is to battle the Gyms ... If you don't want to battle you can just as well go play Pokemon Pinball or something :P

What do you do after you defeat all 8 gyms in Kanto in Pokemon gold?

Talk to Prof. Oak in Pallet Town.

The order of the Kanto gyms in Pokemon gold?

Vermillion, Saffron, Cerulean, Celadon, Fuchsia, Pewter, Cinnabar, Viridian

Where do you find the rainbow wing on Pokemon Gold Version?

After you beat 8 gyms proffeser elm gives you it dummy

Where can you catch Zapdos in Pokemon Gold?

you finish the game with heart gold then you go to kanto and you defeat gyms and on the way you'll get zapdos moltres mew mewtwo an so on

What is the list of gyms in Pokemon Gold?

the first gym leader is flying then bug then normal then ghost then dark then steel then ice the dragon