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Clans:clans only live in the night and are more gently with the people they are sucking

Family:more rough part of a clan

Fullblood:both parents are vampire and they dont have human people in there whole existance

Halfblood:a vampire what actually is part human who has been bitten

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ANSWER some are ,,, silver bloods,blue bloods,full blood,cold blood,hot breed blood vampire dog,hybid blood,bitten blood,true blood <<<<>>>>

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Q: What are the different types of vampires?
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Related questions

Do vampires really exist on the Earth?

Yes. There are many different types of vampires.

Are their different tipes of vampires?

yes, i do beilive their are different types of vampires: Australian breed: Vampires who have fangs, cant be in sun light, and are allready dead when they became vampires. transilvanian breed: vampires who have fangs, cant be in sunlight,and can be living or dead when changed. north American breed: vampires who don't have fangs, can be in sunlight, and are living when they become vampires. north American breed(sub-speicies): vampires who don't have fangs, cant be in sunlight, and must be living when becoming vampires. all vampires must take blood, and the quantity depends on the speicies.

Are there different types of vampire?

There are infected humans and vampires. Infected humans are the "half-vampires." Yes, there are half-vampires too. other person: and dont for get psi-vamps and psy-vamps _________ Other "other" person: I believe you mean Sanguine Vampires and Psychic Vampires. -MTM, your friendly lycan.

What kind of vampires are their?

there are 2 types of vampires the vamps who eat animal blood and the vampires who eat human blood

What are the behavior of vampires?

different vampires act in different ways, some vampires are visous and come out at night and feast on peoples blood, others try not to drink human blood in different ways, and some vampires even kill vampires.

What are some different types of themes you would put on a poster?

bubbles, hearts, crayons, markers, vampires, soccer, zebra print

What different forms do vampires take?

They're just vampires. Simple as.

Are all types of vampires dead?

their was never any kind of vampires on the planet earth it was just made up

How many different kind of vampires are there?

3 to my knowledge made vampires, vampires (the kind that drink blood) and energy vampires the kind that feed from others energy.

Are there Asian vampires?

Yes, almost every culture has some 'creature' that simulates the properties of being a vampire. There are many different types with various properties and habits.

Is there such thing as vegetarian vampires?

Yes, I think so but others have different answers. no vampires are not real

Who saw vampires first?

Vampires are mythological creatures that were invented by many different cultures in the world.