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there are dragons, unicorns, wikys, pooshes, walas, marciuses, bouncys, leilos, squiks, speedys, spikys, moontos, spooshys, tortoos, catsys, bikibous, sanas, chichis, biscuses and soubous.

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Q: What are the different pets in the petz fantasy games?
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Are there dragon like pets in the petz fantasy games moonlight magic and sunshine magic?

i know theres one in moonlight magic but i dont know about sun shine magic

What is the best petz game for Nintendo ds?

I would recommend nintendogs because it is the most realistic pet game that there is and you can chose from all different breeds of dogs and others...the problem with dogz and horsez and hamsterz and catz and etc. is that they are geared more toward younger children and aren't as realistic.

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Are there any horse racing games for NDS?

yes u can get them at best buy

How do you transfer pets from petz nursery to petz talent show?

i don't know but i have petz dogz talent show and petz nursery :( so i need answer bye

How are pets codes unlocked for petz nursery 2?

You need to start the game, then to unlock a code you raise a pet then go to the bottom bar click on the wireless button then a button that has a computer to view the petz codes petZ don't forget petZ not petS!

What are the bar codes for petz fantasy moonlight magic?

anyone have the answer?

Where do you put the special codes for petz fantasy on petzcom?


How do you get more than 3 pets on fantasy pets?

If you want all 20 pets on Petz Fantasy do the following:Find all of you're pets favourite things until you are a Level 3Go to the Magic WorldRun through the courseIf you get a gold medal and pick a new pet,go to the Pet TreeSelect the pet you did the course that you got your new pet from and do the Magic World course againGet your extra pet.

Will there be or is there a petz 6 computer game or does it just stop at petz 5?

There will be no official "Petz 6", because after Petz 5 Ubi Soft stopped making the Petz games in their traditional style and began making the newer Petz games. - Ari ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- there will not be a petz 6 because Ubi Soft was being dumb and decided to make petz a different way and not continue the original ones. and the new ones suck. bad. So boo you Ubi Soft! >:(