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Mix a monster combos

spring cheese sock snail = Dinosaur

sock rock frog spring = Tear Drop

sock rock frog cheese = Birthday Boy

sock rock snail frog = 17 Eyed

sock rock snail spring= Music Monster

sock rock snail cheese = Booger Boy

sock rock spring cheese = BFF Monster

spring rock frog cheese = Beaver Monster

sock frog snail spring = Juggler

sock frog snail cheese = Frog

snail rock spring cheese= Fluffy Blob

frog rock spring snail = Octopus

I'm missing 3 of them so there is only 12

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13y ago
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12y ago

snail frog cheese rock

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to make the 13th monster put the spring , rock , frog , and cheese

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you put frog snail spring sock

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rock spring frog cheese

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The combination is sock, cheese, spring, then snail.