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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the African traditional marriage?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of African traditional education?

The advantages of African traditional education include passing on of essential values from the community as well as defining the roles of both boys and girls distinctly. As for the disadvantages, the education was limited to the African culture and this is quite limiting in some ways for the students.

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advantages and disadvantages of african union

What are the advantages and disadvantages of African culture?

well the advantages can be your skin is who you are so live into your color fades and the disadvantages are u will always be judged but dont let it bring you down u are who u are and no one can change that

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it helped colonialists gain man power

What is the traditional headpiece worn by an African bride?

A gele is a traditional headpiece worn by an African bride.

What is an African traditionalist?

An African traditionalist is an adherent of an African traditional religion.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the East African Community?

Advantages of the East African Community (EAC) include promoting regional economic integration, fostering political cooperation, and enhancing infrastructure development. However, disadvantages may include challenges related to member states' sovereignty, uneven economic development among member countries, and difficulties in implementing uniform policies across diverse economies.

How do Zulu people dance?

The Zulu dance is a traditional African dance form the Zulu tribe. It is a celebration dance. The dance may be performed when there is a marriage, or when a child is born.

What does traditional African medicine mean?

Traditional African medicine is a holistic discipline involving extensive use of indigenous herbalism combined with aspects of African spirituality.

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It blended traditional African and modern ideas.

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marriage,African History

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traditional south african clothing.