There are a lot of bosses. But I will say the strongest ones. All of these are members only.
King Black Dragon.
Kalphite Queen.
Corporeal Beast*.
*After "Summer's end" quest.
And Nex, the boss which has the highest combat lv in runescape
Killing bosses at Godwars Dungeon they drop parts of the blades, of which if you have a good smithing level, you can combine to makes a full godsword.
yes vengeance does work on monsters and is very usefull on bosses like king black dragon, dagannoth king, and kalphite queen.
Either Tormented Demons or Mithril Dragons for their drops mainly. Also there are the godwars bosses too, even more then Armadyl Boss.
Bosses Will Be Bosses was created on 1999-09-07.
One of my favorite spots to fight at in RuneScape is the grotworm lair as the large grotworms drop rune equipment quite commonly and also have access to the rare drop table. Another favorite spot to fight in RuneScape is at a boss location like Nex (for teams) or the King Black Gradon (for soloers) to obtain more expensive drops but while also risking more wealth upon death, as many bosses are difficult to defeat even in teams and items may be lost in the process of defeating the bosses.
Hero = 8 bosses, Dark = 8 bosses, Last = 2 bosses so 18 bosses in total.
Sandy's bosses are chimpanzees.
The Bosses was created in 1973.
If it is used meaning 'manager' then in its plural form "bosses" is indeed a noun. As in 'The bosses gathered in the meeting room'. However if it is used thus: 'His wife bosses him around' then in this usage "bosses" is a verb.
Its not really a minigame, its a place you go to kill bosses and other monsters not found elsewhere. If you've finished troll stronghold, have 60 strength or agility, you can do God Wars.
well, if there were no bosses...i would take over