

Best Answer

bagon, chimecho, speal, snowrunt, ralts, and all their evovled form

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Q: What are some rare Pokemon that ARENT legendary in Pokemon RubySapphireEmerald?
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Is shadinja a legendary Pokemon?

It is a rare pokemon, but it is not a legendary pokemon

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No heatmor is a rare Pokemon but not legendary.

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If the options are rare or legendary, Salamence would be rare.

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Unknown is not a legendary Pokemon but it is considered rare. Legendary Pokemon are one of a kinds.

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He is rare but not a legendary because legendary means that there is only one of its kind.

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Onux are rare ?

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What is the difference between a legendary Pokemon and a rare Pokemon other than egg classification?

rare there are more of. Legendary Pokemon there is ONLY ONE! hope that helped! :}

Cheats of getting rare Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire?

there arent any

Is Darkrai rare?

It's a legendary Pokemon so its rare

Is Xerneas a rare Pokemon?

its legendary so i guess its rare