I still think call ofduty WaW needs a lot of work, but why worry about that game when CallOf Duty Modern Warfare 2 is out!!!
A neat line of things side by side is called a stack or row.
The same reason everyone else in the world does - so things look neat and tidy.
it can do tricks
you should keep things neat for the simple fact that you dont want bugs or rodents in your home
A neat freak!
Neat means that things are orderly. Clean means they aren't dirty.
they are mammals and feed to thier babys
Be neat and hand in or complete things on time daily
it mom
To fake this, be good and be neat, be a god's steward, god steward is for taking care of natural things god made.
I call it "neat". I don't know what "they" call it. Who are "they"? - Ern.
eat a bannana then throw the peel away