first is LPSO spring and another is lapin 22 and another is lps2011
vipgirl you will become a member if you type this code no spaces or caps lock
I have some LPSO codes but they are not to get a pet they are just to get stuff ok here they are : VIP GIRL, WOOLMA, JET, ZEBRA, FELINA, PINK, PURPLE, BLUE, NEWSPAPER, AND TOY SHOP.
Hi , LPSOlover, i have a code for secret pet : LPSOSPRING ! Have fun ! Its a kiwi bird.Too have this old code for a bunny:Lawpin Or Lapin , i don't know.
you simply click the enter code box, when you have ur pet selection
do you want to know how to get a lpso golden ticket you have to enter a lpso pet code.the code is hiding around its neck. sorry i cant tell you any pet codes because i do not know any pet codes but i know some coupon codes. do you want a coupon code heres one purple well i know more trust me. my name is Joy have fun if you want to know something ask me my email is tell me your email please dont use my email for things bye
There are no secret codes for this type of reward.
I'll tell you how. Some codes that you buy in stores are special. When you type them in the game, they give you a free ticket that is golden, letting you make any pet you would like. I hoped this helped! My username on LPSO is Itchyy. Have fun!
where can I find some secret codes for littlest pet shop adoption center pheat cheat
where you can get money for codes and pet and more
Littlest pet shop is owned by Hasbro so they made Lpso
here are some code sthat i now i think there are about three more codes i don't now but here they are. blue,pink & purple vip girl panda newspaper jet felina toyshop target woolma guppy zebra monkey lps ds penguin walmartone lpso spring hamster rabbitsea horse and that is just about it love you lpso fan roselove1 on lpso i love hereing from my fans so send me some mail on lpso you rock thank you . walmartone doesn't work