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i will like to bite them when i am hunger ant drink blood when i am stersty and i wont to eat rageler front of my parent's. and i will fell good being a vampire

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Q: What are some fables with the moral being treat others the way you would want to be treated?
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Related questions

What do fables always have?

Generally in fables there is a moral lesson to be learned.

Do fabels have to end in a moral?

No, fables do not have to end in a moral. While many fables do include a moral or lesson, the primary characteristic of a fable is that it features animals or inanimate objects that act and speak like humans in order to illustrate a moral or lesson.

What short descriptive story is to illustrate a belief or a moral?

They are known as a fables, as in Aesop's Fables.

What is a statement that tells the message of a fables?

A moral

What is the importance of fables?

Fables are stories that have been passed down through generations that revolve around a moral, so the importance is essentially enforcing a moral in a 'fun' way, when you tell a child an interesting story that is based on a moral, they are bound to remember it.

What are characteristics of fables?

The main characteristic of a fable is the message or moral that the fable should show. Some are more obvious than others. Fables should also be interesting, so that you don't lose the readers.

Is an example of a moral a fable?

Not always. A fable may have a moral, or it may not. Aesop's Fables usually had a moral.

What are the fables with more lessons?

Aesops fables have more lessons. some people would say fables with more lessons are moral stories.

How did the fables originate?

Fables have a long history dating back to ancient times, with Aesop's Fables being some of the most well-known. They often feature animals or mythical creatures as characters to convey moral lessons or truths about human nature. Fables were originally passed down through oral tradition before being written down and shared widely.

What is the types of fable?

There are various types of fables, including animal fables where animals act like humans to convey moral lessons, cautionary fables warning against certain behaviors, and humorous fables that entertain while imparting wisdom. Additionally, there are mythological fables that incorporate gods and supernatural elements to convey moral messages.

What is the moral lesson in the story?

A story with a moral is often classed as a fable - as in Aesop's fables.

What is the moral lesson in the story.?

A story with a moral is often classed as a fable - as in Aesop's fables.