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You use the same type of methodologies for testing Video Games as you do for any other entertainment software.

a lot of methodologies are shared with simple business software.

Ad Hoc testing is one that seems to be used ever

System testing, Configuration testing, Browser testing, etc

For consoles, you have the Logo requirements from each console manufacturer

you have localization methodologies that you would use if you are going overseas with your product.

Even automation is used but not to the same degree. Powering on, powering off, AI tests and DB tests mostly. You don't usually use automation for the User interface since it is so interactive and changing.

They do have some test case recorders but that only picks up bugs that have been re-inserted into the product since you already had to test it once to record. is a professional game testing company and can help publishers make sure all their bases are covered for testing and QA.

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Q: What are several Testing Methodologies used by Games Testers?
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What companies have openings for video game testing jobs?

The more and better references you have, the easier it is to land the best video-game tester job openings. many companies offer this jobs. Atari is hiring video game testers, though many are interns. Konami USA is also hiring video game testers. Research local software companies that develop games, espcially educational games - they need testers but rarely advertise.

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There are many companies that might be wiling to hire young games testers since they are their prime consumers. For example, the major video game companies such as EA games.

Where do video games testers work?

A: the ones i know work from their homes.

Where would i be able to find out who hires for part time video game testers in my area?

The first thing you can do is participate in public beta tests for popular video games. As a video game tester you must have in depth knowledge of the operating systems or consoles that you will be testing on.

Does it cost money to play games for video game companies?

Many times major video game corporations will have "testers" or people qualified in video game testing that are paid to come to a facility and just play video games for a living. Other people can go to events where games are shown for the first time and pay to play the game on the company owned systems and games.

Is it possible to have a career in video game testing, how do I go about it?

Yes this is very possible. How ever most Video Game Testers also have a degree in Computers and Technology. They Help do exstensive testing of the games that require Knowledge of the coding used to write the game. You can go to a game makers website to look for positions that are hiring. Yes, it is possible to have a career in video game testing. You can read more about it at or

Can you keep games if you are a game tester?

no. game testers are only children aged between 10-18 who go in for a day and test new games

What are the responsibilities of video game designer?

They design Video Games for testers to see if the game if it is a good game for video gamers that love good games like me.

How cheatcodes works in video games?

"cheat codes" are programming that is coded into the games designed to cause a specific reaction in the physics of the game. Usually for the benefit of the games developers and testers to help find bugs in the code.

How much will you get if you work as a video game tester?

you can beta test games, play a nearly finished product, and report any bugs from oyur house. beta testers dont get paid, but you get your hands on games early. in house testers at a games studio start around $9-$10 bucks per hour. But after 8 solid hours of gaming everyday, it could lose its appeal fast.

How does one go about getting a job in the field of video game testing?

There are several online websites and local groups that offer video game testing jobs. Video games require and in depth knowledge of operating systems and consoles so it is not an easy job.

When did drug testing start in the Olympics?

Drug testing started in the 1968 Summer Games in Mexico City.