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stop people robbing banks and world chaos

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Q: What are laws designed to do?
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What Are Laws designed to ban the union shop?

Right-to-work laws

Southern laws designed to separate blacks and whites?

Segregation laws- known as "Jim Crow" laws.

The Radical Republicans passed a series of laws designed to?

The Radical Republicans passed a series of laws designed to protect the civil rights of African Americans.

What group was target by the Nuremberg Laws?

The Nuremberg laws were designed to restrict the rights of Jews.

What laws are designed to control monopoly power and to preserve and promote competition?

Antitrust or Antitrust Laws

Why is it appropriate to say the constitution is designed to bend like a willow?

The Constituion is designed to be flexible so new laws can be made as they're needed. In addition, old laws can be reinterpreted.

Why is it appropriate to say constitution is designed to bend like a a willow?

The Constituion is designed to be flexible so new laws can be made as they're needed. In addition, old laws can be reinterpreted.

What laws are designed to control monopoly power and promote competition?


What are the reasons behind Kashrut Laws?

They were designed to preserve health standards.

Who developed the laws of gravity and also designed a reflecting telescope?

Sir Isaac Newton developed the laws of gravity and designed a reflecting telescope called the Newtonian telescope in the 17th century.

What laws are designed to control monopoly power and preserve and promote competition?


What statements about the Nuremburg Laws are true?

they were designed to segregate the Jews in German society.