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Each profession has it's strengths and drawbacks. Usually you will want one that will complement your class.

For instance, Warriors, Death Knights, Paladins might want to take up blacksmithing because you can make your own armor, and if you take mining with it, you get the bonus strength from mining.

Casters (mage, priest, warlock) will want tailoring to make their armor. grabbing enchanting along with it will be a great money maker and the armor you make with tailoring can be disenchanted into mats needed for enchanting. The spell thread from tailoring can be put on tailors pants at a greatly reduced cost and with enchanting you can enchant your own rings.

Leather wearers (Hunter, Shaman, and Rogue) will want leather working as it can make leather and mail armor and if you take up skinning with it, the crit bonus will help you alot. Leatherworkers can make themselfs fur linings for their bracers and their leg armor enchants can be put on themselves at a greatly reduced cost.

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14y ago
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14y ago

All professions are useful, which is why you can only use two. Mining, fishing, and other item gathering professions will allow you to gain money through selling these, or using them for regents in other professions. Engineering, Tailoring, and others give major benefits. For example: Jewel Crafting gives you statues that are capable of healing you for a high amount. Engineering enables you to all kinds of wacky combat abilities, mostly giving fire damage. Tailoring, blacksmithing, and leatherworking all allow you to make great armor. There are far more benefits to these and others.

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13y ago

At maximum level (450 at the time of writing) all professions are good, and offer valuable things for people that have them. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

a) You can have 2 professions, and certain combinations are more powerful than others. Blacksmithing + Jewelcrafting gives you extra sockets as well as better gems. Enchanting + Engineering gives you unique buffs on items that normally can't have an enchant. The list goes on.

b) Some professions fit better with some classes or races. Someone who can't wear anything but cloth armor will have less use from Blacksmithing except for the sockets. A warrior might have no use for Tailoring. A race that gets a bonus on a certain profession will level it quicker, like Gnomes and Engineering, or Draenei and Jewelcrafting.

c) While leveling, you might have some use from using your own crafted things, as they will be of your level. When maximum level, you might want to switch professions to perform better in raids or PvP. Gathering professions will make money, but are of less use without a second profession that uses those raw materials.

Think about what your class is, and what you want to do once you leveled up. Choose your professions accordingly, and perhaps ask someone of the same class who has a certain profession whether he thinks it is useful.

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12y ago

Probably mining and blacksmithing so that the paladin can be self sufficient with making weapons and armor. Blacksmithing also is a great source of income, as others are always looking for Blacksmiths to forge items for them.

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There is a good world of warcraft guide on that will teach you how to do this. hope it helps!

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Do your dailies, use professions, play the ah. Mining and Herbalism currently are the big professions to have with skinning a real close second. The crafting proffessions require more work to make money at.