horse land,bella sara
the symbols don't have to do with rarity or anything like that, but they are just for games. if you go to the Bella sara website, you can find card games with those symbols including, "muck the stables".
One Bella sara day. (one sara Bella day is like only 5 minutes of earth day!)
I do. you can have this one if you like . the username is 1e2r3t and the password is horserock hope you like it
yes Bella sara is real
The website for Bella Sara is
Bella sara is where you take care virtual horses.....
Yes but its all commercial like!
your Bella sara horse does not grow up, get sick, die, expire, or do anything else like that on the website. however, i think it's different on the Bella sara DS. that does make me sad
its BELLA-SARA-1890 but not in capitals
AmorVenusAegisAlexanderApolloAthenaArimAsteriaBarleycornBellerophonBriarBrineCerannaCharlemagneCharlieMandalayDartDelightEbenosEmbericFarfallaHarmonyHeliaHerculesHecateIcekingNyxIceprinceKhrysorKomenosLarenaLeonardoSarahMariannisMiraMjolnirIduanaMoonbeamMoonphantomMoonspritePirouttePrismaPythiaReifRoycePink LadySnowflakeSunbeamTumbleweedUranusAnemoneWhimsyAddisBaltoJunoBellaBelloBellisimoBereanRosebriarBifrostColourBluebellBukefalosMireldisCalyxCelestaCeratosNannaCherubChromasiaChrysoSashaCirraEmbarrFrejaFionaFlameNikeFlipperOndineJanieJewelKoraMistralMurttiePavonnePegasusRoxyPetalPrimroseRuskinSkipperFloraStarfrostSummitThunderTobogganTreasureEdanaWodanSkygliderCrystalPandaAddisThese are just a few of the Bella Sara horses you can find on the Bella Sara cards! :)
I think all of the Bella Sara TM products have them.