Bug type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Fighting, and Flying. Not fighting there not weak against fighting types, there weak against Fire, Flying and Rock.
The fighting type is weak against Ghost and Dark Pokemon, so a Sableye would be good.
Fighting type pokemon are weak against psychic attacks
Fighting type Pokemon are weak exist Flying and Psychic.
Normal Pokemon are weak against fighting Pokemon.
Fighting-type pokemon are weak against it.
Steel types are weak against Ground, Fighting, and Fire.
Psychic types are weak against dark and ghost But Pokemon like bronzor or brozong are weak against them because they are still types But a Pokemon like Gallade a Psychic-fighting type will be weak against dark ghost AND Flying types hope i helped
Fighting is weak against Psychic and Flying types.
Rock-type Pokemon are weak against Water, Ground, Steel, Fighting and Grass-type attacks.
Weak: Psychic Strong: Fighting
fighting type pokemons weakness are psychic and flying moves steel is weak aageinst water fire fighting and ground