The Oregon Trail no longer exists. Paved roads run close to the route taken by The Oregon Trail. So it is possible to drive a route similar to that taken by The Oregon Trail. It would not be safe to try to follow the exact route of The Oregon Trail.
animals !
Didnt feed their animals is one
The "Oregon Trail" was not, literally, a single trail, it was any path taken to get from Missouri, Iowa or Nebraska to Oregon. It doesn't make a lot of sense to ask how wide it was, because different travelers followed slightly different routes.
The land route was called the Oregon Trail.
The trail you seek is the Oregon Trail.
Yes, the Oregon Trail went through Oregon.
Oregon trail? Oregon trail?
The Oregon Trail was a group of white americans of eurpean decent that voluntarly walked the trail. The Trail Of Tears was a trail foced to be taken by the Native Americans Both are hard, long and risky trails and they both travel westbund. ~ Sparkly Narwall <3 ~
the Oregon trail was 2000 miles long.
animals ate: 1. Plants 2. Meat Thats all =)