30 ammo per clip and maximum ammo is 210 (including 30 inside the clip)
TASER is an acronym, named for a fictional weapon: Thomas A Swift's Electic Rifle. TASER is a rgisterd tradename of Taser Interntational. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taser
el taser
Thomas A. Swift invented the Taser. TASER is an acronym for Thomas A Swifts' Electronic Rifle
A citizen Taser (Taser C2, X26c and M26c) can reach 15 feet.
Taser International was created in 1993.
Felons are not allowed to use a Taser in any state. It is against TASER INTERNATIONAL policy.
One that has live ammo inside and ready to shoot.
the difference between lightning and a taser is i have no idea
It is illegal for a citizen to carry a Taser in Canada.
Yes, you can carry a Taser in Florida. There are no state restrictions in Florida for carrying a Taser.
Taser is an acronym, named for a fictional weapon: Thomas A. Swift's Electric Rifle. Source: WikiPedia and Taser International.